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coobi (Stigma Health GmbH)

Using data to empower addiction recovery

coobi provides tech-driven addiction services to make addiction treatment more accessible and to reduce the number of relapses. coobi analyzes digital biomarkers to detect and intervene in critical phases of addiction abstinence. coobi’s ML-algorithms thus enable personalized and outcome-driven therapy.
Hero-Image – coobi (Stigma Health GmbH)
Ausgründung aus dem


AI & Big Data
Health & Life Science
Gründung: 05.01.2024
Geschäftszweck: Gegenstand des Unternehmens ist Forschung, Design, Entwicklung, Lieferung, Verkauf und Wartung von Softwarelösungen für Wellness und medizinische Zwecke und zudem die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen im Healthcare-Bereich, insbesondere – aber nicht beschränkt auf Beratungs-dienstleistungen, sowie damit ver-bundene Geschäfte, soweit hierfür keine behördliche Genehmigung erforderlich ist.
Unternehmenssitz: Berlin
Kontakt: julian@coobi.health
Problem – coobi (Stigma Health GmbH)


Addiction is a chronic disease and 85% of patients relapse within one year of treatment. Although continuous care has been shown to be the best way to reduce relapse rates, there is currently no affordable continuous care solution. As a result, patients are often left to fend for themselves at critical moments when the likelihood of relapse is high.
Lösung – coobi (Stigma Health GmbH)


By providing a digital companion that predicts and detects relapse risk with passive data streams, we can support patients continuously when they need it most. We use this prediction in two ways. 1. We provide the patient with digital interventions that address the underlying problem. 2. We provide the information to the treating therapist, aftercare center or direct support network so they can provide direct support to the patient.
Produkt – coobi (Stigma Health GmbH)


Our first product, coobi care, includes a user app, a wearable device, and therapist reports. The app includes several features that are essential for high-quality aftercare, such as a secure chat group among aftercare participants, CBT exercises, craving tools, and more. With the wearable, we collect the passive data that is fed back to the user to understand the relationship between stress sleep activity and their addictive behavior. Finally, we provide the collected data to therapists with an assessment of relapse risk and notifications about immediate support need.


By leveraging passive data to predict and detect relapses we are providing novel ways of therapy that can be adapted to the patients needs. Therefore we can make cheaper long-term and outpatient treatment or aftercare possible while supporting the patients when they need it most.
The collected data can also be used to provide novel objective outcomes for clinics, insurances and research.
Geschäftsmodell – coobi (Stigma Health GmbH)


coobi is marketed as a digital aftercare solution in a blended care model to the German Pension Insurance (Deutsche Rentenversicherung, DRV) and directly to private clinics. We have already partnered with 5 pilot hospitals and are launching a paid pilot project with the DRV in January.

In a second phase coobi will be offered throughout the whole patient journey via selective contracts with insurances.

Traction / Highlights

  • 5 LOIs signed with addiction clinics and addiction networks
  • Validation by most important payer (DRV) and health insurances
  • Product beta delivered to partner clinics

Kunde / Markt

Approximately 8.3 M people in Germany struggle with addiction, with 1.4 M undergoing treatment annually.

The DRV incurs annual costs of EUR 1.8 B due to addiction, divided into EUR 1.1 B in direct costs for medical rehabilitation and financial support, and EUR 680 M in indirect costs for early retirement support.

A relapse leading to readmission to rehabilitation costs the DRV approximately EUR 37K. Our solution, coobi, aims to reduce relapses through continuous care. Research suggests that continuous care programs reduce relapses by 20%, potentially saving the DRV up to EUR 440 M annually. Additionally, coobi facilitates the shift from inpatient to outpatient treatment, offering further savings of EUR 126 million per year. In total, coobi has the potential to save the DRV more than EUR 550 M annually.
Team – coobi (Stigma Health GmbH)


Paul Aretin, CEO: Paul studied economics with a focus on the healthcare sector and most recently worked as a management consultant in the healthcare sector for KPMG. The idea for coobi came from a close friend who was affected by media addiction.

Manya Agarwal, CTO: Manya studied computer science in Hong Kong and has been passionate about digital solutions in healthcare since her studies. During her studies, she among other things, developed an app for detecting Covid symptoms, which won several awards.

Julian Kruse, CMedO: Julian is a medical doctor and focused on the development of new technologies in the medical field. Before coobi, he worked as a venture architect and medical expert for the Dutch medtech venture builder NLC and the Berlin startup GoPuls.

Invest in our Pre-Seed round

We are currently raising €650K in our Pre-Seed round in the form of CLAs. To learn more book a slot with Paul here (https://cal.com/paul146/30min) or check out our pitch deck.
Pitch Deck